What is noun?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

What is noun?

Noun Definition

A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. the word thing here refers to anything that we can think of.
Examples: lion, star, girls
these are all nouns

Types of nouns

common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, concrete nouns, collective nouns, countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Common noun 

A common noun is the name of a common thing. the word common means shared by all. hence, it is a class of entity rather than an individual entity.
A common noun is always preceded by an article, while a proper noun does not require the addition of an article.
Examples: king, cat, boy, girl, man, women, building, book, radio, television, tree, lion, hotel, fan, bed, table, chair, city, country etc.
these are all common nouns.
they are common names.
articles can be used with these nouns.
they have plural forms.
they are not capitalized.

Proper nouns

"A proper noun is the name of a specific thing. the word specific here means not shared by any other thing."
Examples: London, Oxford University, Shakespeare, Obama, mount Everest, lake superior, coke, Pepsi, Toyota, Pacific ocean, Google, Amazon, Nile etc.
these are all proper nouns.
they are specific names.
they are capitalized.
Articles cannot be used with them.

Abstract Nouns

"A noun that denotes an abstract quality, state or action, rather than a concrete quality is called an abstract noun. these nouns have no physical shape. they can't be experienced with our five senses."
Examples: love, hate, anger, loyalty, sympathy, belief, dream, kindness, intention, knowledge, thought, culture, duration, trust, faith, leisure, etc.
these are all abstract nouns.
they have no physical existence.
articles cannot be used with them.
they cannot be felt with senses.

Concrete nouns

nouns that can be experienced with our five senses are called concrete nouns. they have physicals shapes and can be touched, seen, tasted and felt."
Examples: table, chair, bed, car, mountain, book, eggs, fan, train, monkey, elephant, card, jugs, glass, cup, bat, sparrow, dog, cat, mango, apple etc.
these are all concrete nouns.

Collective nouns

A collective noun is the name of the collection of things considered as one whole. this sort of a noun stands for a collection of things."
Examples: crowd, team, mob, flock, herd, army, family, jury, nation, committee. parliament etc.
these are all collective noun

Countable Nouns

Nouns that have plural forms are called countable nouns. they can be counted. that's why; they are called countable nouns.
Examples: tv, chair, table, apple and bicycle etc.
these are all countable nouns

Uncountables nouns

nouns that cannot be counted are called uncountables nouns. uncountable nouns have no plural forms.
Examples: milk, oil, sugar, gold, honest, anger, art air, coffee, coal, corruption, cotton, energy, envy, rice, wheat, sand, hair, rain, snow etc.
these are all uncountable noun


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