Use of introductory it and there

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Use of introductory it and there

Use of introductory it and there

Use of introductory it and there

Read the rules given below:

  • Generally, 'it' means this' and 'there' means 'at that place', but here we do not take these meaning. here they are used just to begin the sentence. that's why they are known as introductory words.

Study the following sentences carefully:

(Use of 'It')

It is fine today.
It was very hot yesterday.
It is Thursday today.
It is at four O'clock.
It is raining.
It will take you an hour to reach there.
It is long since I met him.
It is our duty to respect our elders.
It is very kind of you to have helped me.
It is I who rang the bell.

(Use of 'There')

There was a king.
There is no doubt about it.
There are many trees in the garden.
There is still much time.
There is none to look after him.
There are 25 teachers in this school.
There are many things.
There is no hope of his success.
There is something wrong at the bottom.
There is no cause to worry.


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